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Brochures and Advertising with the /8

Prospekte Titel

Over the many years of the W114/115's construction, numerous brochures were designed and given to prospective buyers at Mercedes-Benz dealerships or trade shows. Many of these brochures show not only the technical innovations, but also the many interesting images that reflect the spirit of the times. In addition, of course, posters and advertisements were also created during this time to attract new customers to these model series.


The MB/8 Club Deutschland e.V. has some of these publications in its archive, which are also regularly printed in our club magazine /8 Garage. But since the effort of digitizing is not without a larger expenditure of time, we can not and do not want to publish all these brochures here.



There is already a very extensive online archive of a Dutch collector of Mercedes-Benz brochures from various eras, including for the W114 & W115 series, in various languages, but mainly also in Dutch.

We from the MB/8 Club Deutschland e.V. have the permission to link directly to this archive ( Thanks Gerrit !!) , just click on the button below:


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MB /8 Club Deutschland e. V.
Postfach 1230
29602 Soltau

Hier finden Sie unsere aktuelle 

MB /8 Club Broschüre als PDF:


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