Bannerbild38. Sternfahrt in Rotenburg an der Fulda - 25. bis 27. Juli 2025Kleine STERNFAHRT 2025Bannerbild

Sternfahrt / Annual Meeting

The „STERNFAHRT“ is always a special highlight of the year, because members and friends of the vehicles meet here for a weekend together, each year at a different location in Germany. And since this is already a tradition, we were able to celebrate the 30th Sternfahrt in the MB / 8 Club Deutschland e.V. in 2017.


The focus of our MEETINGS is on / 8. Over a hundred identical cars are lined up. And yet they are colorful, diverse and individual. A picture that always inspires the / 8 friend again and again - that is our annual /8 Sternfahrt.


Organized by members, their families and friends and many active helpers, the Sternfahrt is always a special experience where the vehicles can be moved, marveled at and technical things can be exchanged.


But the focus of these „Sternfahrten“ is always the gathering of nationwide members and new friends of the Strichachter.


The more specific details of the upcoming 36th Sternfahrt in 2023 (location, registration, etc ...) will be announced by the end of the year via our homepage.

For better planning ahead, the organizing team announced the planned destination and dates:


When:  July 28th - 30th, 2023


Where:  Munich & Surroundings


Who:  Birgit, Petra, Frank, Reinhard und Udo
mit Evelin & Lutz, Jona, Georg und Angelika



Even before the club was founded on June 4, 1989, there were Sternfahrt, from which the MB / 8 Club emerged. That's why we met in Hamburg for the 32nd Sternfahrt in 2019, even though our club is only celebrating its 30th anniversary.


We look forward to new things every year about the great organization of our varied annual meetings, which have always been and are being organized by very committed regulars on site, eager club members as an organizational team and together with the board of the club.


Sternfahrt Motiv 2023


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MB /8 Club Deutschland e. V.
Postfach 1230
29602 Soltau

Hier finden Sie unsere aktuelle 

MB /8 Club Broschüre als PDF:


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