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Series and their differences

The different "series" in the W114 and W115 series

Throughout the years of construction of the W114 and W115, technical changes were constantly made to improve and technically adapt the vehicles. In modern times, this is often referred to as "MOPF", the so-called model maintenance.

This "MOPF" took place of course already with these types between 1968 and 1976 and led accordingly to the fact that one speaks officially today of two series: The series 1 starting from building beginning in the year 1967 and series 2 which ran then starting from August 1973 up to the last volume runner in the year 1977.
Since however straight at the beginning of the construction period of the series 1 very many technical changes and structural changes (engine, interior, materials...) took place, then here even altogether four "series" were established, which are defined as follows:

Beginning with the series 0.5 which already in April 1969 first changes took place, followed by the series 1 in August 1969, and finally by the series 1.5 in April 1972, before then the series 2, which brought then also body conditional changes with itself in August 1973 to the start.

An overview of these "creeping" changes within the series we have tried to compile in the document below, to give all drivers of the dash eights a help, which "series" is then moved:


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