Kleine STERNFAHRT 20252025 | zur StartseiteBannerbild38. Sternfahrt in Rotenburg an der Fulda - 25. bis 27. Juli 2025Bannerbild

Images and Impressions

Here you will find only a small selection of pictures taken during our /8 meetings and the various trips with participation of the MB/8 Club Deutschland e.V..

More pictures and extensive impressions of our numerous events, the various classic car fairs and many other impressions of our general club life can be found on our extensive external online gallery at FLICKR :



A few videos and movies of these events can also be viewed via our external account at VIMEO :




Please note that the image rights are held by the MB /8 Club Deutschland e.V. and publication and distribution is only permitted with the written permission of the MB /8 Club Deutschland e.V. and with reference to the source.

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MB /8 Club Deutschland e. V.
Postfach 1230
29602 Soltau

Hier finden Sie unsere aktuelle 

MB /8 Club Broschüre als PDF:


 2024-01 Flyer