Eight reasons to become a member
EIGHT good reasons to become a member of the MB/8 Club Deutschland e.V. :
1. We are the OLDEST and also the only club dedicated exclusively to the two Mercedes-Benz model series W114 and W115 and currently have over 630 members (September 2022).
2. At our MEETINGS, the /8 is the centre of attention. Over a hundred identical vehicles are lined up in rows. And yet they are colourful, diverse and individual. A picture that always inspires the /8 friend anew - that is our annual /8-STERNFAHRT. And members have special conditions for this and are informed earlier!
3. Versatile topics around the Mercedes /8 fill almost all pages of our club magazine "/8-GARAGE", which every club member receives four times a year. Combined with creative layout and printed completely in colour, it is actually a "must" for every real /8-friend. And since issue no. 120, this club magazine is also always available as an English e-paper for our members abroad
4. At the various nationwide REGIONAL TABLEs, you meet like-minded people, organise joint activities and rides, and help each other with technical problems and questions. And in the end, you might even make good friends.
5. The homepage of the MB /8 Club has been offering ONLINE PRESENCE and many functionalities as well as information about the vehicles for years. In search engines right at the front with "dash8", our homepage contains selected technical reports from almost 30 years of club activity and tips on the vehicle. This helps our members to learn more about their vehicles and to stay informed. A presence on FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM rounds off our online presence and establishes completely new, worldwide contacts that bring new and international flair to our club life.
6.Our extensive ARCHIVE holds a wide-ranging collection of literature on the subject of /8 for our members.
7. We present ourselves to the public at selected EVENTS, such as TECHNO CLASSICA in Essen, which is considered a leading trade fair in the field of classic car fairs, and at other fairs such as the Bremen Classic Motorshow. But also other events (day tours, club star rides, Schöne Sterne Hattingen, Strich-Acht Tag Hamburg, and many more. ...) give reason to move the vehicles.
8. GOOD NETWORK: Within the scope of our possibilities, we are committed to ensuring that we are allowed to drive our vehicles in the future without restrictions as far as possible. This makes our club's membership in DEUVET, the umbrella organisation of classic car clubs, as well as in IKM - INITIATIVE KULTURGUT MOBILITÄT, logical and consistent. Through active membership in the eFuel Alliance, we also have our finger on the pulse of developments for our members. But also the contact with other classic car clubs allows us to grow our network and maintain the active exchange on topics relevant to classic cars. A close dialogue and exchange with Daimler AG and Mercedes-Benz Classic helps the club to be close to other topics concerning the /8.