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Series, Special & Metallic Paintigs

The colour overview is sorted here in ascending order according to the colour numbers / colour codes and shows the respective colour names.


It is separated into uni and metallic paints and shows a total of 64 colours that were available for the w114 and w115 models between 1968 and 1976. Please refer to the list at the end of the colour samples to find out when which paints were offered.


Please note that these colour illustrations of the paint finishes may differ from the original shade of an original paint finish on the vehicle and that these illustrations can only show an approximate colour tendency.  The metallic colours are listed in a separate section at the bottom and are additionally marked with a black circle with the "M" in the upper right corner of the illustration. Furthermore, these metallic colours show a slight texture to better distinguish them from the texture-free solid colours.

Translated with (free version)



Schwarz 040

schwarz 040


Weiss 050

weiß 050


Arabergrau 124

arabergrau 124


Pastellweiss 131

pastellweiß 131


Weissgrau 158

weißgrau 158


Anthrazitgrau 173

anthrazitgrau 173


Hellbeige 181

hellbeige 181


Dunkelgrün 268

dunkelgrün 268


Dunkelolive 291

dunkelolive 291


Horizontblau 304

horizontblau 304


Mittelblau 350

mittelblau 350



​​​​cayenneorange 406


Tabakbraun 423

Tabakbraun 423


424 Topasbraun

​​​​​Topasbraun 424



​​​​​Herbstbeige 430


Dunkelrotbraun 460

Dunkelrotbraun 460



​​​​​Coloradobeige 470


504 Englischrot

​​​​​Englischrot 504


514 karneolrot

​​Karneolrot 514


516 Mittelrot

​Mittelrot 516


542 Dunkelrot / dark red

​​​​​Dunkelrot 542


568 Signalrot

​​​​​Signalrot 568


Rot 576

Rot 576


606 Ahorngelb / maple yellow

​​​​​Ahorngelb 606


618 Mimosengelb / mimosa yellow

Mimosengelb 618


Hellelfenbein 670

Hellelfenbein 623


624 Gelb / yellow

​​​​​Gelb 624


Hellelfenbein 670

hellelfenbein 670


673 Sahara Gelb / sahara yellow

​​​​​saharagelb 673


717 Papyrus Weiss / papyrus white

papyrusweiß 717


Beigegrau 726

beigegrau 726


733 Phantomgrau / phantom grey

​​​​​phantomgrau 733


737 Classicweiss / Classic White

​​​​​classicweiß 737


740 Pastellgrau / pastel grey

​​​​​pastellgrau 740


825 Tiefgrün / deep green

​​​​​tiefgrün 825


860 Grün / green

​​​​​grün 860


867 Kaledoniengrün / caledonia green

​​​​​kaledoniengrün 867


870 Nickelgrün / nickel green

​​​​​nickelgrün 870


Blau 903

blau 903


Dunkelblau 904

dunkelblau 904


917 Aquablau / aqua blue

aquablau 917


920 Tiefblau / Deep Blue

​​​​​tiefblau 920





922 Pastellblau / pastel bluepastellblau 922











172 Anthrazitgraumetallic / antracite grey metallic

anthrazitgrau-metallic 172


180 Silbergraumetallic / silver grey metallic

silbergrau-metallic 180


Blaumetallic 387

blau-metallic 387


396 Mittelblau Metallic

mittelblau-Metallic 396


404 Milanbraun Metallic

milanbraun-Metallic 404


419 Ikonengold Metallic

ikonengold-metallic 419


422 Byzanzgold Metallic

byzanzgold-metallic 422


461 Bronzebraun Metallic

bronzebraun-metallic 461


462 Tunisbeige Metallic

tunisbeige-metallic 462


467 Sandbeige Metallic

sandbeige-metallic 467


525 Brilliantrot Metallic

brillantrot-metallic 525


571 Rot Metallic

rot-metallic 571


728 Beigegrau Metallic

beigegrau-metallic 728


735 Astralsilber Metallic

astralsilber-metallic 735


834 Moosgrün Metallic

moosgrün-metallic 834


861 Silbergrün Metallic

silbergrün-metallic 861


862 Piniengrün metallic

piniengrün-metallic 862


874 Citrusgrün Metallic

citrusgrün-metallic 874


876 Zypressengrün metallic

zypressengrün-metallic 876


906 Graublau Metallic

graublau-metallic 906


931 Magnetitblau Metallic

magnetit-metallic 931





hcs / feb 2023




An overview table with the colour codes and colour names used during the construction of the W114 and W115

can be found as a PDF at the following link.


W114 W115 Farbcodes




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