38. Sternfahrt in Rotenburg an der Fulda - 25. bis 27. Juli 20252025 | zur StartseiteBannerbildBannerbildKleine STERNFAHRT 2025

Review 32nd Sternfahrt Hamburg



We would like to thank all participants of the 32nd Sternfahrt 2019 in Hamburg, that you have taken the sometimes long ways to take part in this year's event here in the north with your great cars.  Every single one will have taken quite different impressions from the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, because the varied program has had hopefully something for everyone.


As an organization team, we had the impression that you all enjoyed the event and that the election with the harbor museum as the venue location for the Sternfahrt was met with positive enthusiasm.  Once again thanks to the Hafenmuseum Hamburg, whose entire team has supported us with great commitment and passion. We all have this passion with our / 8 vehicles and it's great to meet such passion.


From the "Barkassen" boat trips with Frieda Ehlers, the team at the "Elbe Sauger" to the demonstration of the spectacular Elbe diver were many program points, which has made possible for us the harbor museum. And the team of the "Kaffeeklappe" with their tireless efforts has provided us all with breakfast and much more.



And so we look forward to 30 years of eventful club history back with 32 great and always different Sternfahrt meetings in different regions of Germany. Due to the numerous completed and returned questionnaires of this year's participants, we also received many constructive tips and hints in addition to our wishes for a possible future Sternfahrt locations, which we will pass on to the organizational team 2020 from the Stammtisch / Roundtable Bodensee. THANK YOU !


CU next year at the 33rd Sternfahrt in 2020 !


& Organisation Team of the 32nd Sternfahrt



Pictures of the 32. Sternfahrt:



Program / Schedule of the 32. Sternfahrt:


Press coverage (german) about the Sternfahrt:




Videoclip Teaser 2018 fo the 32. Sternfahrt:


teaser Sternfahrt






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MB /8 Club Deutschland e. V.
Postfach 1230
29602 Soltau

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